Humility and Dignity: White People Unlearning White Supremacy

Humility and Dignity: White People Unlearning White Supremacy

Nichola Torbett

Details & Online Registration

Program information

Cost: Sliding Scale $500, $375, $250

Are shame, fear, and anxiety limiting your participation in efforts to dismantle white supremacy as a white person? Do you feel insecure  in your relationships with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and unsure how to show up well in BIPOC-led movements? Do you sometimes find yourself stumbling over your words or remaining quiet when you feel called to speak up about racism? You are not alone! Join other like-minded white people who long for an end to white supremacy as we practice showing up with both humility and dignity. We’ll explore embodied practices, ancestral lineage healing, and spiritual tools that will help you work effectively in a multiracial coalition toward a world of equitable, collective flourishing.

A note about white caucus space: The idea of white-only space may seem strange or even dangerous. Much racially motivated violence has been plotted in such spaces. At the same time, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have been calling for white people to do their own work of unlearning white supremacy and whiteness without requiring them to teach us or to sit in antiracism workshops where even our necessary and well-meaning questions can hurt. This gathering answers that call in ways that are accountable to Black and Brown-led liberation movements. The content has been developed in consultation with leaders of color.

Facilitator bio: 

Nichola Torbett is a white, queer, raised-working-class spiritual seeker, recovering addict, gospel preacher, racial justice podcaster, and nonviolent direct action trainer. She grew up in a sundown town in Ohio and had no consciousness of racism until she was nearly 25. She is grateful to the powerful BIPOC-led movements of Oakland and San Francisco, California, for her political education and to the friends of color who told her about herself and took a chance on her despite it all. She is committed to helping other white people unlearn internalized supremacy and become part of multiracial coalitions to end racism and white supremacy. She is also the associate director of Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center and serves on the board of GEEZ Magazine.