Creating Virtual Spaces for Connection and Community Building

Creating Virtual Spaces for Connection and Community Building

As you know, we have temporarily closed our doors to our physical locations, and yet Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center has continued creating space for connection and community building. In the past six weeks, we hosted 18 programs with 300 participants. We are overwhelmed by the support, energy, and creativity around these gatherings—we have truly circled around each other in a time of great unknown. One idea we are certain of is retreat work is vital to holistic well-being and community support during this time has shown us that.

We hope to continue providing online space well beyond our current times, and we’re inviting you in to conversation about what that may look like. We would love to hear your thoughts about the future of virtual programming for Kirkridge by completing this survey.

We’ve are updating our Programs & Retreat page with virtual program offerings, please continuously check back as we continue to strengthen our online presence. As we have always welcomed you on the mountain, we look forward to welcoming you in to our virtual space.

Be well, Jean & Justine

people meeting on zoom

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