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Lydia Wylie-Kellerman

Lydia Wylie-Kellermann is a writer, editor, activist, and mother. She is the director of Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center and editor of Geez magazine, which explores the intersection of activism, art, and spirit. She is the editor of The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World. She lives with her partner and two boys at Kirkridge on Lenape land now known as Bangor, Pennsylvania.

Events with Lydia Wylie-Kellerman

A child in a purple sweatshirt plays in long grass by a pond. This Sweet Earth: Walking with Our Children in the Age of Climate Collapse
October 4 - 6, 2024

The effects of climate change are all around us. We feel it in little ways as we harvest from our gardens a little earlier each year. And in big ways as we watch fires blaze through entire towns and our streets fill with rain. Climate anxiety touches nearly everything we do, but perhaps nothing so tenderly as our parenting. What does it mean to bring children into such an uncertain future? What do we do with the fear, grief, and anger we feel? Join us for a weekend retreat to put our bodies on this sacred land allowing the stones…