All Retreat Leaders

Lynice Pinkard

A Black woman with short grey hair, glasses, and earrings is pictured in front of a white brick wall. She is wearing a navy blue and white striped top with a navy collar.

Rev. Lynice Pinkard is a Black writer, teacher, healer, pastor, recovering addict, and public intellectual operating at the intersection of Christianity, economics, and social change. Her current work is dedicated to decolonizing the human spirit and freeing people from what she calls “empire affective disorder.” Her commitment is to inspire and nurture a new generation of Spirit-filled servant leaders dedicated to the remediation of day-to-day suffering, the building of collective resilience for transformative change, and the pursuit of structural and systemic justice in the world.

Events with Lynice Pinkard

A still pond shows the reflection of surrounding green trees and bright blue sky. Silent Wilderness Retreat
September 9 - 12, 2024

Limit 5 participants. The focus of this retreat is listening in nature. Your primary “spiritual directors” will be the creatures, beings, and elements of the more than human world on Kittatinny Ridge in the Appalachian Mountains, and you are encouraged to spend significant time out of doors. Each day will include a morning and evening circle and individual listening times with Laurel/a director. The retreat is open to everyone whether you are new to or experienced with silence, but LGBTQI2S+ folk might find that space held by a queer and gender queer practitioner particularly valuable. Kirkridge is a Christian retreat…