Our First 100 Days: A Mostly Unstructured Retreat
With Nichola Torbett and Lacey Hunter
April 28 - 30, 2025
Calling all social justice movement folks, activists, disruptors, healers, organizers, visionaries, and artists! By April 30, we will be 100 days into this presidency. How are you doing? How is your heart? Your body?
Come away to the mountain for a (mostly) unstructured retreat to reflect–on your own or with others–on how you and we are moving in these times. We’ll have some time in circle to reflect together, if you like, but most of the time will be yours to do with as you please–journal, read, nap, hike, make art. Organizations are welcome to come together and have some time to strategize if they like.
Massage and optional spiritual direction will also be available.
Here at Kirkridge, the spring streams will be in full flow, the daffodils will be in bloom, and the creatures will be stirring. Come let the beauty of this place speak into your life and work.
Nichola Torbett is a white, queer, raised-working-class spiritual seeker, recovering addict, gospel preacher, racial justice podcaster, and nonviolent direct action trainer. She grew up in a sundown town in Ohio and had no consciousness of racism until she was nearly 25. She is grateful to the powerful BIPOC-led movements of Oakland and San Francisco, California, for her political education and to the friends of color who told her about herself and took a chance on her despite it all. She is committed to helping other white people unlearn internalized supremacy and become part of multiracial coalitions to end racism and…
Learn more about Nichola Torbett
Lacey (they/she) is a minister of formation, queer poet, and monastic-at-heart who is interested in how daily rhythms and practices of hospitality can open up new realms of simplicity and abundance, wonder and tenderness, and shape our lives for the work of Beloved-community building. Their belief in the possibilities of worlds beyond oppressive systems has been inspired by years of transformative organizing in Oakland, California, portals that emerge when queers dance together, encounters with redwood trees, the feeling that practices like communion can reshape our cells for liberation, and so much more. They have served as a community organizer and…
Learn more about Lacey Hunter