A drawing of many hands reaching toward two books at the center.
  • – Program Price

Date & Time Details: 6:30 pm Eastern Time

Location: Zoom

Address: 2495 Fox Gap Rd, Bangor, PA, USA

Contact: Nichola Torbett

Email us about program

Kirkridge / Columcille Spirit of the Earth Book Group – July

July 21, 2025

July 2025 Spirit of the Earth Book Group Meeting

Join us online for our book group! This will be a great opportunity for heartfelt, stimulating conversation and for building community.

This month, July 21, @ 6:30 pm ET, the book is TBA. Email us for details kirkridge@kirkridge.org.

To attend online by zoom, please register in advance here:

https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqfuutqzsrGtYuU5bOqRspIV75P7E5-sdm. Once you have registered once, the link you receive will enable you to attend any month through 2025.

Here’s more information about the book group:

Each month, we will read and discuss a book with some emphasis on what we can learn from the more-than-human world or what we can do to restore right relationship with it.  We’re planning to read fiction and nonfiction, perhaps with some poetry thrown in, and books from a breadth of cultures. Choices will reflect diversity in race, ethnicity, gender and gender expression, sexual orientation, and ability.

The group will meet every third Monday at 6:30pm Eastern Time.

If you would like to receive monthly emails about the book choice for the next month and the location of the gathering, please email us that request to kirkridge@kirkridge.org.

A freewill donation will be collected at each gathering.