Women in Recovery: A Spiritual Retreat
With Nichola Torbett and Rev. Deb Staniszewski
May 2 - 4, 2025
You are warmly invited to join us for a weekend of 12-step recovery fellowship and conscious connection in a beautiful natural setting. Expect meetings, ritual, art-making, time in nature, a candlelight labyrinth walk, and more. The retreat is open to self-identified women and nonbinary people of all spiritual belief systems. We hope you’ll come!
Nichola Torbett
Nichola Torbett is a white, queer, raised-working-class spiritual seeker, recovering addict, gospel preacher, racial justice podcaster, and nonviolent direct action trainer. She grew up in a sundown town in Ohio and had no consciousness of racism until she was nearly 25. She is grateful to the powerful BIPOC-led movements of Oakland and San Francisco, California, for her political education and to the friends of color who told her about herself and took a chance on her despite it all. She is committed to helping other white people unlearn internalized supremacy and become part of multiracial coalitions to end racism and…
Learn more about Nichola Torbett
Nichola Torbett is a white, queer, raised-working-class spiritual seeker, recovering addict, gospel preacher, racial justice podcaster, and nonviolent direct action trainer. She grew up in a sundown town in Ohio and had no consciousness of racism until she was nearly 25. She is grateful to the powerful BIPOC-led movements of Oakland and San Francisco, California, for her political education and to the friends of color who told her about herself and took a chance on her despite it all. She is committed to helping other white people unlearn internalized supremacy and become part of multiracial coalitions to end racism and…
Learn more about Nichola Torbett
Rev. Deb Staniszewski
Rev. Deb Staniszewski (she,her) is a grateful, sober woman, child of God, Lutheran pastor, spiritual director, wife, mom, sister, and friend who loves sharing spiritual practice and sacred space with others individually and in community. She feels called to work as a spiritual doula with people on the journey, as they experience spiritual growth and transformation that lead to healing, freedom, and joy. Deb also loves the outdoors, superhero movies, yoga, and going on adventures of all kinds!
Learn more about Rev. Deb Staniszewski
Rev. Deb Staniszewski (she,her) is a grateful, sober woman, child of God, Lutheran pastor, spiritual director, wife, mom, sister, and friend who loves sharing spiritual practice and sacred space with others individually and in community. She feels called to work as a spiritual doula with people on the journey, as they experience spiritual growth and transformation that lead to healing, freedom, and joy. Deb also loves the outdoors, superhero movies, yoga, and going on adventures of all kinds!
Learn more about Rev. Deb Staniszewski